A Millennium Cohort Study has made some startling findings about the negative effects of long durations of screen time on children and youngsters. The same findings were also echoed by the Understanding Society survey. According to these findings, the well being of young kids was directly proportional to the time they spend in front of a screen, including the screens of a computer, a cell phone, as well as a television screen.
According to the study and the survey, there are many adverse affects that are associated with having your eyes constantly be fixated to a screen. From attention difficulties faced by children to reduced feelings of social acceptance, all of it has been linked to a large amount of time being spent in front of a screen. Other adverse affects include increased feelings of loneliness, conduct problems and aggression.
If you are a parent and if your child is seen spending a lot of time in front of his or her computer, television or on mobile phone, then it is advisable for you to become more cautioned. Researchers have found out that increased TV viewing is associated with low self esteem and lower self worth amongst kids and teens. Specific types of internet activities, such as large amounts of time on social media and online multiplayer games, have been associated with lower levels of wellbeing among youngsters. Also, children who spend large amounts of time on their computers or playing video games tend to experience increased levels of anxiety, emotional distress and even depression. It is startling to note that according to a study, about 62% of 11 year olds, 68% of 15 year olds and an alarming 71% of 13 year olds who reported to watching more than two hours of television every day. It was also discovered that in England about 55% of young boys and 20% of young girls reported to have consumed more than two hours on computer games every night.
Alternatively, it was discovered that increased physical activity results in better concentration levels, positive social behavior and higher self esteem. Physical activity also results in lower levels of depression and less social anxiety among teenagers and young adults. As such, it was discovered that enjoying physical activities results in lower levels of anxiety and worry.
As parents, it becomes important to be cautious about the amount of time your children are spending in front of the television or computer screens. Obviously, parents will be concerned to do all that they can to increase their child’s well being and happiness. Parents can have a conversation with their children, informing them about all the negative effects of not taking part in physical activities. Making sure you spend more time with child, including having meals together and going out on more outings, will help reduce the amount of time they will spend in front of a screen. Parents can also make their children take part in different hobbies and activities so as to keep them constantly distracted.