About Kids Fitness First
Healthy screen time means balanced screen time. Nothing is more healthy than getting kids back to the simple outdoor life of play.
Too much emphasis is focused on Social Media, its all too easy to click on many of the popular sites and be impressed at what we find, but a young mind can’t differentiate between reality and fantasy, and we all know that a lot of social media promotes fantasy over reality.
The longer a child is sedentary playing on their device the harder it gets to motivate them back into the outdoor lifestyle. That’s where we come in, and help to find alternative activities such as golf to help try and motivate children to get back to the good old outdoors.

Who We Are….

Kids Fitness First is a modern charity focusing on a modern cause. We are committed to raising awareness and understanding of the devastating health effects too much screen time can have on children.
KidsFitnessFirst.org is a registered charity committed to getting kids more active and reducing their screen time through raising awareness. We aim to introduce kids to alternative sports that are not part of the main stream curriculum.
Let’s work together to foster an alternative for children to experience activities which they may not normally get the opportunity to try. Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit sleep better and are better able to handle physical and emotional challenges — from running to catch a bus to studying for a test.
We live in a technological era which means kids are captivated and preoccupied with digital devices. On average a child now has access to at least five digital devices in the home which is easy to see why so many children prefer to ‘play’ sedentary games than burn off energy in the fresh air

What We Do
We find local activities which are not on the mainstream curriculum and introduce young people to new sports.
We look for local golf clubs who are willing to extend an introduction to the sport to children who may not have the resources or the opportunity to have tried the sport.
We build networks…

As hobby golfers ourselves we know the difficulties many private clubs have in reaching out to children to encourage them to ‘have a go’ session, so our team build our network to help as many kids as possible. We also know how hard it can be for children’s groups to find something a little bit different to entertain the kids . We liaise with local children’s community group to connect them with local golf clubs keen to partner with them.
And we educate young people about the harm of too much screen time

When kids attend one of our taster days, we not only teach them the basics of th sport but we also educate and encourage them about the health benefits of including sports into their life.
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